debbie nwafor2. road to 24: question: translate proverbs 13:20 in your own version.proverbs 13:20 - DBT2d ago2d ago
debbie nwaforwelcome to year 23: a this-is-23 entry / onitsha living diaries 29.happy birthday to me! Oct 5, 20231Oct 5, 20231
debbie nwaforlet me be wise king solomon in a few words: a 1 day to 23 entry / onitsha living diaries 28.few words that may or may not be wisdom, depends.Oct 5, 2023Oct 5, 2023
debbie nwaforhow to get good at what you do: a 2 days to 23 entry / onitsha living diaries 27.consistency, value and authenticity. Oct 5, 2023Oct 5, 2023
debbie nwaforan ode to my personal victories: a 3 days to 23 entry / onitsha living diaries 26.on celebrating wins. big and little. Oct 5, 2023Oct 5, 2023
debbie nwaforallow Jesus to help you: a 4 days to 23 entry / onitsha living diaries 25.jesus is the best decision you'll make. Oct 5, 2023Oct 5, 2023
debbie nwaforfriendship is a fancy term for allowing people to officially use you without consent and…on friendship and it's consequences. Oct 5, 2023Oct 5, 2023