debbie nwafor
3 min readOct 5, 2023

allow Jesus to help you: a 4 days to 23 entry / onitsha living diaries 25.

Gift Habeshaw on unsplash

it's early in the morning of the first day in october.
your phone rings.
you wonder who has the guts to call you this early and of what grade of urgency is whatever the person wants to tell you.
you think to ignore, but on another thought, you check caller ID and you say "no wonder" because there's only one person in this world who'll just pick up their phone and call you anytime. ANYTIME!

"hi, baby, good morning ma, this one you're calling me this early morning" it's your mum but you call her baby.
she totally ignores both your good morning and questions and says "ijeoma, i saw you in my dream, but because of your mental state.........
you cut her off "baby, mental state kwa, i'm not mad"
she ignores you again "anyways, because of your mental state (you decide it's going to fruitless fighting her, besides you need to go back to your precious place of escape, sleep) i'm not going to tell you what happened in the dream, but when i woke up to pray about it, God directed me to the book of philippians and gave me a word for you, i don't want to forget it when day breaks and i'm preparing for the market, so i'm calling now (you know your mother and can tell that this is her way of apologizing for waking you up this early).
"ok mummy (you call her mummy since everybody is being serious) what is the word that God has for me"

she gets into it "like i said, if this wasn't serious, i wouldn't be calling you this early and i know very well that this relates so much to your situation (ok, now it's a 'sitiation' ok o) and this is something you know very well but i just wanted to remind you to allow God direct your steps. to actually let him direct your steps and relieve yourself of the rush.

i know we quote this scripture always, we know it off-hand. we use it all the time, maybe in talking to other people but have we ever practiced it, have you ever been a strict practitioner of this word.
(you understand that she's using 'we' so it won't look like she's judging you,that it's both of you at a default of not practicing the word, but in actual sense she means 'you')

because i think that if we do, we'll calm down on the rush, we'll calm down on the rat race and let ourselves settle into the slower rhythms of life.

i mean, are you not tired of always looking for the next big thing, are you not tired of always looking for something to fill that void, are you not tired of facing your fears by yourself and fighting your battle and just generally doing it on your own?
(she has maybe decided to take the bull by the horn and face it to you, she's now using 'you')

trust in the lord with all your heart, lean not on your own understanding, in all your ways - every insignificant and significant details of your life - acknowledge him and he'll direct your path.

really, allow Jesus to help you"

you don't say anything.

and she says "if you don't have anything to say, i'll leave you to go and sleep, me, i want to continue my prayers, you should also do that, pray more."

you still don't say anything.

and she says "ok, bye, call me when you wake up nne"

it's debbie.

debbie nwafor

flourishing, living in onitsha. educating. entertaining and inspiring.