debbie nwafor
2 min readOct 5, 2023

when you were 10 year old: a 7 days to 23 entry / onitsha living diaries 22.

Muhammad-taha Ibrahim on unsplash

in the concluding part of the interview, he asked you, "what advice would you give to ten year old you"
you found this question a little cliche but the thing is you haven't been asked directly and so you've never thought it's going to be hard to answer.
infact as you sit there, you're thinking and trying to remember what you did when you were ten.

and awkward seconds later.
you tell him that to be honest, you have nothing to say.
he looks at you, like you’re out of your mind. people who come to the show have wealths of advices and wells of motivation to give. they never turn up blank at questions and they never say 'I don’t know’.
you don’t care shaa, because you are also thinking that you’re probably not interested in the show.
the interview ends..

but as you get into your car, heading home your mind begins to form thoughts like:
you would have told 10yr old you to take maths seriously because studying accounting and money will require more of basic understanding of maths that could have only been possible if you paid more attention and effort when you were growing.
you would have told 10yr old me that the key to success is excellence in any field you find yourself. excellence doesn't have to be in a selected field.
you would have told 10yr old you that the future will evolve, a lot bigger than you know it to be and that power will now lie in the hands of the information holder.
you would have adviced 10yr old you to walk up the courage to tell your parents that you wanted to write more than you wanted to count.

there's a lot to advice your 10yr old. but basically, you weren't messing up at 10 even though you weren't top of the class then.
and as you write this, you now know that you could have 10yr old you that;
growth and exposure will so mess with you so badly, that when you finally realize yourself, it may not be too late, but it could have been earlier than then....... and.......
no matter how much jaded your innocent self turned out to be, you are extremely proud of how slow, steady and well you're doing for yourself..... and...
you finally caught the God fever in massive waves.

ok, bye!
it's debbie.

debbie nwafor

flourishing, living in onitsha. educating. entertaining and inspiring.