debbie nwafor
2 min readOct 5, 2023

how to let things go: a 6 days to 23 entry / onitsha living diaries 23

Florian Klauer on unsplash

this year's episode of 'xperience' will come and go and i'll miss it, but this time it's in peace, i'm finally letting it go - no scratch that - i've let it go.
i've been praying to God for the 'issachar anointing' - the anointing of discerning, understanding and aligning to seasons and times.

if you view my whatsapp status or know me personally, you'll know how obsessed i am with 'xperience' event. but as i'm learning how to work with my time and season, i no longer do everything, go everywhere or find myself seeking or wanting anything except it is in my season, at that moment. yea sometimes, I indulge, but it no longer rules my life.
there was a time that if there was a big minister coming to town, i'll do everything possible to go and if i can't go, i'll beqt myself up and be restless till supposed event is finished - then, i'll rest knowing that I can't do anything anymore to help it.

I'm not saying that attending events that'll help your life as a human being on a growth journey, neither is it a sin as a christain. i'm just bringing us to the know, to ask questions like "what i'm i actually going to do there?. is it to see the celebrity minister/speaker, or to attend for just sake?"
these days, I don't let them bother me anymore, i've come to an understanding that not every program, seminar, business, friends, events etc is for me especially in alignment to the season i'm in.
this may sound controversial, but understanding what you're supposed to do at a certain time and season can be a big boost to your life journey as opposed to the case of being everywhere, doing everything, making friends when you should be calling quits, forcing things when you should be letting them go.

like, i said earlier on, being where you want to be, even when it doesn't align with your season might not necessary mean anything, but always have it at the back of mind, the sense and consciousness of what you're walking in and on at the moment.
may God help us to be able to discern our time and season.

do we need to talk about opportunities that might be missed when you are not where you should be at a time, abi haven't you heard of such stories.
anyways, strive to stay in discernment always.

it's debbie

debbie nwafor

flourishing, living in onitsha. educating. entertaining and inspiring.